Sunday, July 4, 2010

Vietnam Deja Vu all over again.

I recently came across a Blog in which the otherwise sane author listed how Afghanistan was no Vietnam then said those who dare compare the two to “shove it up your asses.” And argued that with a new President, we were at now at Square One and since the Afghans are mercenaries, we should just throw money at them. My reply(no response from her) was;

So what are you going to say when the Generals ask for another 30,000 thousand next year. Especially as the Europeans start going home(they’ve learned a little from history).

Being both a Vietnam combat vet and pinko liberal of long standing, I take exception to your “shove it up your asses” attitude toward the “Vietnam Again” position.

  • This is Vietnam Part 1. The Afghanistan War, like Vietnam, is a Civil War. (Where do you think the Taliban come from. The “bad guys” are Afghans.)
  • This is Vietnam Part 2. Even more than Vietnam, the Karzai Government is utterly, totally corrupt. Would you risk your life for Karzai. Die for Diem? I’m sure you would.
  • This is Vietnam Part 3. Even more than North Vietnam, the Taliban depends upon outside support. Their money, weapons come from outside. There is little or no industry in Afghanistan — much less than North Vietnam.
  • This is Vietnam Part 4. Most civilian deaths in both Vietnam and Afghanistan come from airpower. Airpower has always killed civilians, and smart bombs, drones are no exception. Don’t let the Pentagon spin it otherwise. I say this from the perspective of having flown 190+ combat sorties and having killed lots of civilians. Airpower kills civilians and the occasional combatant. Always has. Always will. Now that’s an Inconvenient Truth. Nope, it’s all a video game nowadays.
  • This is Vietnam Part 5. We’ve made Afghanistan “Our” war just as we made Vietnam ours. Neither the Afghan or Vietnamese military could stand up to their adversaries. Why? Because they’re not willing to die for Karzai!!

George Bush can/should burn in hell, but we are not at square one. We are at year eight.

Afghanistan is a mercenary war?? You have drank the kool-Aid. Afghans have no beliefs, faith or integrity? And Vietnamese aren’t really humans like us Christians? They are used to death? Utter BS. Why didn’t the Soviets just buy them off?

I doubt you were around in the early sixties, but Macrystal and most of the other Generals were — in Vietnam. They MUST win to in a lame attempt to rewrite History’s Verdict on Vietnam (if we’d just hung in there longer. BS) just as the Nazis attempted to rewrite WWI history by blaming the Jews and a host of scapegoats.

Don’t you get it? WWI, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were unnecessary.

Adios Mike

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